Fixing the MySQL Error “Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘value_id’ at row 1” in Magento 2

Are you encountering the frustrating MySQL error "Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column 'value_id' at row 1" when you try to run your Magento 2 store? If so, you're not alone. This error, stemming from a limitation in MySQL InnoDB database tables with an auto-increment column defined as int, …

Continue reading Fixing the MySQL Error “Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘value_id’ at row 1” in Magento 2

Database Magic: Shrinking Giants – Mastering the Art of Generating Compact Dumps from Massive Databases to Work on Your Local Environment

Generating a database dump is a critical practice in the realm of database management, offering a safeguard against data loss, aiding in disaster recovery, and facilitating seamless data migration or replication. A database dump essentially involves creating a snapshot of the entire database, capturing its structure and content at a specific point in time. While …

Continue reading Database Magic: Shrinking Giants – Mastering the Art of Generating Compact Dumps from Massive Databases to Work on Your Local Environment

There is No Place Like

Instalando o Magento em Seu Localhost – Configurando o Ambiente

Olá pessoal! Após vários dias fora do ar devido uma grande demanda de trabalhos e jobs volto a postar novos artigos em meu blog. Hoje pretendo iniciar uma série voltada para o desenvolvimento em Magento primeiramente em seu localhost. Como sabemos, ou ao menos deveríamos saber, todo projeto, seja ele qual for, deve primeiramente passar …

Continue reading Instalando o Magento em Seu Localhost – Configurando o Ambiente